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1st Mobility. Bescanó 26/5 - 4/6/2014

On Monday 26th May, 2014 25 German students arrived in Bescanó. All students from 3rd grade of ESO were waiting for them to host them in families for 10 days. 

All together spent ten days working on several project activities such as typing all German and Catalan recipes in a cooking Ibook, designing the common project website and writing the script for our TV magazine based on food. Besides, they had the chance to visit some outstanding landmarks in Barcelona, Girona and St Martí d'Empúries and attend two cooking workshops of Catalan cuisine. 


2nd Mobility. Gütersloh 27/5-5/6/2015


From the 27th May  to the 5th of June, 2015 our Catalan students visited their German  partners in Gütersloh. There, they all worked to finish the assigned taks to finish the project  "Food Here There, Then and Now" they started in 2013.

They together designed a TV set using a green screen and recorded the second chapter of the magazine they started one year before in Bescanó. Our students gave in the list of the best restaurants of which they had written a detail report and they also handed in a virtual tour of some of those restaurants they had edited.

They also had time to share some free time to visit Cologne and to do some sport activities such as paddling.

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